GM: I plan to enroll at Iowa State University for Environmental Science
CNF: Which of your achievements at Lisle High School do you hold in the highest regard?
GM: My Directors Award for band and National Honors Society
CNF: Which educators or staff members at Lisle High School had the most significant impact on you, and what made them so influential?
GM: Mr. Gumina, my band director, was the most influential. He gave me the most opportunities throughout my high school career, exceeding any other coach or mentor. His opportunities never stopped to present themselves every week to do something new, and he never discouraged anyone from participating in a competition or a hard musical piece. Also, his decision to hand me a Drum Major role completely flipped my world. Ever since then i’ve been a stronger and better person than I was before.
CNF: After reaching your next academic milestone, what personal or professional goals do you aim to achieve?
GM: I aim to secure a job at a large sanctuary for plants and trees, like the Morton Arboretum. This will give me hands-on experience based on what I have been studying for the past four years. After about two years working there and gaining experience, I would like to work for the EPA or a smaller agency that focuses on local environmental issues.
CNF: The Lisle Alumni have contributed significantly to the CNF scholarship program, and as a recipient of a $4,500 award: please express to the alumni what the award means to you and how it will assist you in accomplishing your objectives. The alumni have given over $300,000 for the CNF program over the years, and it would be helpful if we could relay your personal gratitude for their support.
GM: Receiving this award was an honor to have. I feel this way because I have been in music for nine years, and it has been a huge workload compared to any other subject I’ve studied. The amount of hours and energy I’ve put into this subject was applauded by receiving this award. It’s not just the money but being recognized by people with high standards in the field means a lot. However, the money is helping me with my first year's tuition. It just so happens that the 4,500 dollars put my tuition total just at the affordable rate. It means so much to my family and I that we got this scholarship.