Tract Jones Miller
I captured as many comments as possible (there could be more) Don Krause
John Govi (thank you for posting this photo)
Sad day for me. Goodbye Mr. Jones, my favorite teacher at LCHS. You brought a ton of smiles and laughter to us in high school. I will never forget you. May you RIP.
I had Mr. Jones for two classes back at LCHS in the 60's. He was more than a teacher to me, but we became friends for years after. He even attended at least one of our Class of 1966 reunions, and he mixed with us so well, that it made the reunion most memorable. I will miss Mr. Jones, and may he Rest In Peace. My deepest condolences to his family.
Roland Jenkins
We lost a great man and one cool teacher!😥I was in the first class he taught at LCHS!
Ed Jones
So sad. What a wonderful man. I saw him often when we lived in Oswego. Not a more kind man can there be!
Lexi Coleman
Supportive and encouraging track coach as well.
Colleen Ryan
Condolences to the family. He was a great guy. Always positive and just nice to talk to.
Chip John Buss
A great guy. One of those teachers that you always remember.
Jeffery Myers
So sorry to hear this Mr. Jones was an outstanding teacher
David Tyznik
Mr. Jones was a good man, teacher, and student council advisor. May he rest in Eternal Peace.
Tomi Lyn Taggart
One of the best ever, I have the most cherished memories of him coaching me in high school track and genuinely caring and looking out for us. He was a great man.
Stephen Ferrin
He was one of the teachers who inspired me to go into teaching. RSP Mr. JONES. God bless.
Doug Mills
So sad to read this. As a member of the golf team for 4 years I really liked Mr. Jones. He was a great coach and an even better person. The situations certain team members put him in were tough & embarrassing to say the least. But Mr. Jones handled them all professionally. The away meets to Dwight, Minooka & Wilmington were always an adventure with everyone packed into the old blue Chevy van. R.I.P. Bob and thank you for all you did. Fore…
Dianne Sanders Schroll
Mr. Jones was a favorite of our entire class of 1964. So sorry to hear of his passing. It was so great to see him at the celebration of the football championship.
William Cinert
Mr. Jones was the best teacher I had in highschool. My 3 daughters got to know Mr Jones too. He was their track coach when they were in highschool. I got to spend more years knowing him after highschool. He had a long productive life serving the education system. Very sad day to hear of his passing. Many classes of LCHS will never forget him.
Debbie Brodess Domenico
Thank for sharing this information . Remembering a great man who invested in many!
George Cinert
Great teacher!! He had the nick-name of Hook Jones because of his basket ball abilities when I attended LCHS!!
Terri Sadowski
Just the nicest person and a wonderful teacher. 💙
Don Sullivan
A good man.
Gerald Koff
I didn't have him for any classes but know he was loved by all his students. May he Rest in Peace. Condolences to all who knew him.
Michael Orlando
One of the best
Karen Carney Rychtarik
He was the best!
Debbie Brodess Domenico
Thank for sharing this information . Remembering a great man who invested in many!
Thomas Stanley
He was a Norte Dame fan too
Glenn Canale
Mr. Jones was a great teacher and great friend.
Judi Paulsen Hine
He was most definitely a favorite!
Anne Murray Stitt
A Lisle High School treasure❤️ Coach Jones was a sweetheart
Tony Fobos Shou
One of the  most knowledgeable coaches
I watched him hit a hole in one at Western acres I was standing on the fringe when he nailed it we won a somewhat controversial freshman golf conference championship in 89
we were a wild Bunch but he really knew the game and he really cared about us the bus rides home from away matches where we would systematically all lower the windows down at the same time to attempt to blow his hair around
rest easy, mr jones
Sue Kawecki
I was so touched when he came to my dad’s funeral as my dad had been a student of his as well. 🙏
Bob Chiapetta
He was a great man and teacher. One of my favorite teachers in High School. RIP Mr Jones.
Renee Burns
My business teacher my Senior year. He was a very calm, kind teacher. He put up with quite a bit of shenanigans, usually with a smile.
Ted Garringer
Renee Burns I didn’t have Mr Jones in any of my classes but he always treated me kindly. Always had a smile for everyone…
Daryl (VanKampen) Lanham
I just heard Mr. Jones died, he taught bookkeeping and always collected tickets at sporting events when Laura and I were there. Not sure when he retired.
Jolene Kremer
An encounter with Mr. Jones is one of my favorite 'small world' stories. About 15 years ago, I spent most of a day riding around in a golf cart with a man whose nametag said 'Bob' at Orchard Valley Golf Course when I was interviewing participants/taking pictures during the Golf for Kids outing for the Fox Valley Park District. Our conversation eventually wound around to what did he do before he retired? He said he was a teacher. I asked where. He replied Lisle High School. I looked at him and realized who he was and said 'Mr. Jones?!' He looked at me and said 'Jolene Westendorf?!' The thing was... I never had him as a teacher! But he remembered me (Class of 1976) 35 years after I graduated!
Dianne Sanders Schroll
I think he was the favorite teacher of the entire 1964 class, we were his first teaching job. Sorry to hear of his passing.
Vic Chiapetta
Great guy!!
David Van Kampen
Last I ran into Mr. Jones was years ago at Orchard Valley golf course….he happened to be the starter that day. Great person…RIP.
Agnes Hanson
One of my very favorites!!! Prayers for his family!!! 🙏🏼❤️
Paul Petry
Business Law. Loved the class, probably due to Mr. Jones. Sad I never looked him up to tell him thanks.
Jilly Dooley
One of my favorites. RIP Mr Jones.
Verna Noel Jones
I was a fan of Mr. Jones. Sorry to hear he is gone.
Trish Rossi
He was a Great Teacher, one you remember. RIP
Ron Helms
Great sense of humor!
James Simon
Was a great teacher! Was well respected!
Mary Berkhout
One of the greats! May he rest in peace.
Maria Rohloff
The beauty of a small school!!!
Patti Steele
He was one of the good ones 😢
Roxie Esposito
I loved Mr Jones. My sincere condolences to his family.
Rich Driscoll
Great teacher as well as off school grounds. Seen him at Sandwich county fair at the dunk tank, naturally got him in the water. Following Monday in class he reminded with a laugh.
John Lindsay
My favorite teacher in school a great guy and Loved us kids saw him last at the reunion 😰R.I.P. Mr. Bob Jones a good man and teacher!!!!!
Nadine Valent
Rob and I played 4 layer, 16 square, tic tac toe in his class, on the black board. As long as we were quiet and got good grades , he was fine.
Bob Jones Obituary